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Baptism incorporates us into Christ and forms us into God’s people. This first sacrament pardons all our sins, rescues us from the power of darkness, and brings us to the dignity of adopted children, a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence we are called and are indeed the children of God. (General Introduction of Christian Initiation # 2)


As part of our commitment to all who are baptized here, the parish provides a Baptism Preparation class for new parents to attend prior to the baptism. The class is conducted by a member of our Baptism Preparation Team and prepares parents for the important role baptism plays in their child’s life. This is the beginning of a relationship between the parish and family that strives to support the continued faith formation of the child.


Baptismal Preparation sessions occur once a month on Sundays. Parents should call the Parish Office at 203-272-3531 to register for a class.



Baptisms occur at 11:45AM and 12:30PM on Sundays in St. Bridget Church.


To schedule the Baptism of your child, please call the Parish Office at 203-272-3531.


"And Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’”(Mk 10:14). With these words Jesus emphasized both His great desire to welcome all who approach Him – especially children – into a relationship of his love and also that His love draws all to the Kingdom of Heaven. Seeking to make these welcoming words of Jesus present in Cheshire today, Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish extends in the name of Jesus the same welcome to all who bring their children to be baptized here.


Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish is a Catholic community in the heart of Cheshire. Together we can discover your path to a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual life.

Weekday Masses (Saint Bridget Church):
7AM Monday-Friday

9AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Saturday Masses:

9AM - Saint Bridget Church

4PM (Vigil) - Saint  Bridget Church

Sunday Masses (Saint Bridget Church):




4PM (9/24/22-5/26/23)

Confession (Saint. Bridget Church):

Saturdays - 3PM until heard




Parish Office

175 Main Street

Cheshire, CT 06410

North Campus

Saint Bridget Church

175 Main Street 

Cheshire, CT 06410

South Campus

St. Thomas Becket Church

435 North Brooksvale Road

Cheshire, CT 06410

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St. Bridget School


171 Main Street

Cheshire, CT

© 2021 Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish Communications

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