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Reflections and news from our Pastor and Youth Minister

to help you stay connected and go deeper in your faith.

Dear Friends in Christ:

Catholic Schools Week…as I wrote about last week, today we begin Catholic Schools Week throughout the Archdiocese and, in fact, throughout the country.

WE INVITE YOU to our first-ever Virtual Open House this SUNDAY, 1/31/2021. As with all things in this year of pandemic, we are reaching out using the media tools at our fingertips to, once again, share the amazing treasures we have here at the parish. One such treasure is our phenomenal parish school.

Come on this virtual tour of our school and see what makes St. Bridget School so special. This is a great opportunity for parents, grandparents, and extended family members to “visit” our parish school and see all that we offer in a safe and nurturing environment.

We are very excited to be offering this virtual open house!!! We are working with a Story Real Studios in New Haven to produce an impactful, concise, and informative virtual open house! Of course, an in-person tour is available for anyone who wishes to come and see in-person what our school campus looks like, what the curriculum offers our students, and see firsthand our phenomenal faculty at work.

I want every family to feel that St. Bridget School is an option for you! We educate students from PreK3 to Grade 8. Join us at your leisure today and learn firsthand from our faculty, staff, and current students why you should consider St. Bridget School for your child(ren).

We are blessed with our school building which already was up-to-date thanks to the great people of Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish. We were blessed over the summer too with great generosity from the people of our parish family. Thank you! This generosity enabled us to increase the bandwidth in our school building, purchase additional sanitizing and disinfecting chemicals, make some necessary adjustments to our HVAC system to ensure an increase amount of air comes in from the outside at various points in the day, and purchase PPE and other necessary safety gear for our faculty and staff.

Even though up-to-date technology is important, even though a great curriculum is important, what really makes St. Bridget School standout is our faculty. Our faculty not only presents the necessary material to their students, but they challenge our students to try their best, and to achieve their God-given potential. They monitor the social and emotional growth of our students in the course of the day. They educate the whole child: academically, socially, and spiritually. Each of our students comes to school knowing they are loved, treasured, and cared for. They are given the room they need to be who God is calling them to be!

Academically we are charged with exceeding national standards and so continue to implement curriculum that provides a challenging course, grounded in basic abilities necessary for students to develop foundational skills that lead to higher, more complex thinking skills, rooted in Gospel values, and integrating Catholic social teaching across all disciplines, ensuring the development of the whole child. Students graduating from St. Bridget School exceed state and national benchmarks, evidenced by our exemplary standardized test scores and high performance on high school placement exams. Our students enter to learn, and leave to serve the parish and community throughout their lives.

I hope you will join us for this exciting Virtual Open House! I want every family in our parish, with children of school age children, to feel that St. Bridget School is an option for them. Please come and see what St. Bridget School could offer your child or children.

The Parish Pastoral Staff is busy now that we are in Ordinary Time. The one thing Ordinary Time does for us is to provide the chance to catch up on projects and day-to-day life before Lent begins!

Yes I said it, Lent is not too far away and we are already making plans for our parish journey of Lent. Lent begins two weeks from this Wednesday! We will begin Lent with Ash Wednesday and we will have Masses with the Distribution of Ashes at 7AM, 9AM, and 5:30PM. We will also have the distribution of ashes from 11AM until 1PM, and 4PM until 5:15PM in Saint Bridget Church. You are invited to come during this time, say a few prayers in quiet, then approach to have ashes administered to you. Please note that we will be distributing ashes using Q-tips cotton swabs in order to avoid any contact and make this as safe as possible during this time of pandemic. A new Q-tips swab will be used for each person, discarded, and buried in sacred ground in the following days.

I have said it before, but I say it again, we want to hear from you! Is there a particular ministry you would like the Pastoral Staff to work toward forming? Is there a particular devotion you would like to see us offer? Is there a particular topic you would like covered in an evening Adult Education Talk? We are working on some exciting programs and events, both in-person and virtual, to help make this Lent meaningful for us all. But if you have an idea, please let us know. Write it out and email it to or drop it in an envelope marked Pastoral Staff in the collection on the weekend. All ideas are possible for consideration.

THIS TIME OF YEAR IS USUALLY THE SCHOOL AUCTION…The St. Bridget School Home and School Association is normally gearing up for the annual Auction, which, of course, is the major fundraiser of the year. However, as you can imagine with COVID 19 it is not possible to have a large gathering. Therefore, they have many fun events planned which we can ALL participate in safely from our homes in the coming months.

The first one announced is the BINGO WITH A KICK—THIS THURSDAY, February 4th at 7PM via ZOOM. Won’t you join us for an evening of fun from the comfort of your home? It’s not too late!

Here is how it works…You purchase bingo cards electronically to play bingo:

1. Single Card for all 6 games= $20

2. 3-Pack of Cards for all 6 games=$35

3. 6-Pack of Cards for all 6 games=$50

Each game the winner will have a choice between a Designer Hand Bag from brands like Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade, and Dooney & Bourke or choose a $100 Gift Card from national chains like Amazon.

The item not chosen will then be put into a KICK RAFFLE. You can participate in all 6 Kick Raffles by purchasing a Kick Raffle Ticket for $10. One purchase gets you in all the raffles, or you can purchase more to increase your chances of winning.

This will no doubt be a fun evening that people of all ages can participate in and at the same time be supporting our parish school. I hope you will join us! You can order online at and click on Bingo with a Kick. Click to sign-up online. You will need to pay electronically and be able to receive your bingo cards by email as well.

There are many more exciting events being planned in the coming months that will be fun for parishioners of all ages, stay tuned! I really hope you will support these efforts to help the school in these difficult times. We will have a Cow Chip Raffle, a Prize a Day Raffle, a Virtual Auction Experience, and a super surprise fundraiser that really will be exciting, stay tuned…

As always, please remember to pray for our parish family and ask God’s blessings as we build His kingdom here. Please know that I am praying for you, and I ask for your prayers for me, that together through the intercession of Saint Bridget of Sweden, our Patroness, and Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, and united in the Eucharist, we will reflect the presence of Jesus to the world. Have a blessed week and stay safe!!!

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Recognize that title? It's a popular slogan in Android ads, a not-so-subtle dig at Apple iPhones and their lack of customization and modification. While I'm an Apple guy for the most part, I love the sentiment of the ad. What does "together, not the same" mean? Why should we care? How is it relevant to us?

For those who aren't tech-savvy, the slogan references the differences between Android phones (essentially any smartphone that's not an iPhone) and iPhones. Whereas iPhones all use one operating system (iOS) with very little room for modification, Android phones use a variety of different operating systems with lots of modification options.

Android phones are "together" in their not-Apple-ness, but they're not the same. They can utilize a variety of different operating systems, programs, physical makeups, etc., but they're still united under the Android banner. Their differences do not divide them. In fact, their differences are the very things that unite them.

Now I'll admit, I'm an iPhone guy myself. But I do love the "together, not the same" marketing campaign. Not only is it instantly recognizable and memorable, as all good marketing campaigns are, but the sentiment it holds is applicable to life as a whole. Perhaps now, more than ever, we should take a cue from Android.

I've written some blog posts about the divisiveness of current American culture before, and I'd venture to say we've all experienced it in some way by now. Just open up Twitter, and you'll see a variety of people shouting about two diametrically opposed points of view equally loudly. It's exhausting!

This has never been a politically motivated blog, nor will it ever be. This is a Catholic blog that espouses Catholic values. Values like universality, the dignity of each person, and compassion. These values are good for all to practice, but they're our sworn duty as Catholics.

One of the most unfortunate bits of disunity I've seen over the past few years is the "I disagree with you, so I shouldn't have to hear you" fallacy. As painful or frustrating as it may be to hear, we all have the right to express our opinions. Trying to strip others of that right by silencing, belittling, or insulting them is not the way of Christ.

Last week, we inaugurated a new President. In President Biden's Inaugural Address, he said the following: "Let us listen to one another. Hear one another. See one another. Show respect to one another. Politics need not be a raging fire destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn't have to be a cause for total war."

However you feel about President Biden, President Trump, or any other politician, these are words worth heeding. We should listen to each other. We should respect one another. And it is absolutely correct to say that every disagreement need not cause a violent conflict, verbal or otherwise.

There was a Facebook post that made the rounds in the days following the November election that I think is worth revisiting. It began, "And they'll know we are Christians by our," followed by a number of things that had been crossed out. Some of the crossed out terms may sound a bit familiar.

The crossed out terms were "Political Put Downs, Insulting Memes, Spiteful Name Calling, and Divisive Satire." None of those are what Christ asks of us. Of course, the word that came after the crossed out terms was Love. "And they'll know we are Christians by our love."

That phrase comes from a hymn that we've all heard sung at Mass before. Love is what identifies us as followers of Christ, what brings us together. Not any of those other crossed out terms. The temperature in our political culture is really high right now, and it sometimes feels like there's no room for disagreement. We can fix that!

Just like in that Android slogan from the beginning of this piece, Christians are called to be "Together, not the same." Love, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit are what bring us together. What makes us not the same? Literally everything else! Humanity is an incredibly diverse and varied species.

If someone thinks differently than you, has a different political opinion than you, or chose to vote for someone you didn't vote for, that's okay. Matter of fact, that's good. We should disagree, debate, and discuss with each other. That's what it is to be human. That's what it is to be together, not the same.

Let's remember to listen to each other and treat each other with respect as we move forward in this new year together. It's what Christ would do, and that's what should matter to each and every one of us. I pray that you will embrace and uplift the unique characteristics and opinions of both yourself and others.

May God bless you,


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Dear Friends in Christ:

Next Sunday launches Catholic Schools Week across the nation! The National Catholic Educational Association began this week of celebration back in 1974. It starts the last Sunday of January and continues for a whole week. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” In a normal year we would celebrate this week starting with an in-person Open House, daily special events with our students, and other celebrations for families, parishioners, and the community. It is a way to highlight what Catholic Schools offer, the value Catholic education provides to our young people, and the positive impact Catholic Schools have in their community.

St. Bridget School is NO exception. We are very proud of our parish school! How blessed we are to have a parish school as part of the vibrancy and life of our parish family. I truly believe that parishes with a school are blessed in a particular way, as a parish school provides unique opportunities for building up families and the parish family that parishes without a school do not have. I have seen this firsthand throughout my priesthood and, most especially, during my time here, even during these past months!

Maybe you saw our banner in front of the rectory this week? This is no normal year. So we are marking Catholic Schools Week with a “virtual” open house! Won’t you join us?

We are very excited to be offering this virtual open house!!! We are working with a Story Real Studios in New Haven to produce a impactful, concise, and informative virtual open house! Of course, an in-person tour is available for anyone who wishes to come and see in-person what our school campus looks like, what the curriculum offers our students, and see firsthand our phenomenal faculty at work.

What makes me most proud about our parish school is that our young people learn daily that faith in God is at the heart of their total education and has an essential place in their everyday lives. It is, of course, obvious to all that not all of our Catholic young people have the opportunity to attend a Catholic school, as I myself did not. In fact, the majority of our school-age children attend public schools and a fair number of families choose to educate their children at home. In these cases, they rely on the religious education that is so diligently provided in our parish and in our family homes. A word of gratitude must be offered to our many catechists and our Religious Education Staff who during this pandemic have created ways to continue to form our young people in the faith even remotely.

For now, as we mark Catholic Schools Week in our parish school, we as a family of faith can only offer our admiration for the many fine teachers, administrators, staff, and benefactors of our parish school. They deserve our thanks for their commitment, and for the many sacrifices they make to teach and form the young people of our parish. And, I must personally express my gratitude to the many parents and families who make it possible, at times making sacrifices, for their children to attend Catholic schools. Without the high level of parental involvement that our school enjoys, they could not achieve the success we have seen for so many years.

Though NOT a product of Catholic Schools myself, I AM a strong proponent of Catholic Schools and not just simply because I am a priest. I am a proponent of Catholic Schools because I have witnessed firsthand what makes Catholic Schools, and particularly our own St. Bridget School, such a wonderful center for faith based learning and academic excellence.

This past year we welcomed our new Principal, Dr. Nancy Testa. I can honestly say that having a Principal with her expertise and of her caliber, tells me that the best is yet to come for our parish school! Great things await our school! She has already made a significant impact on our school family and for that we are most grateful.

Dr. Testa and I want ALL parishioners to know that St. Bridget School is ready and willing to assist in educating your child or children. St. Bridget School offers students a faith-based, challenging curriculum designed to promote academic excellence in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and grades 1 through 8. Committed educators guide our students through the day with lessons in faith development, math, language arts, social studies, geography, science, Spanish (grades PreK-8), music, art, and physical education.

We are thrilled with the presence of three religious sisters in our day-to-day operations with two Sisters, Sister Francesca and Sister Jeanne d’Arc, from the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist on faculty and, of course, Sister Patricia Cigrand, ASCJ, our Pastoral Associate from the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose office is located in the school. In addition, Father Federico and I visit classrooms and visit our students as often as we can and we are privileged to celebrate Mass with the entire school community EVERY Friday at 9a.m. Even now during the pandemic, with the help of technology and our amazing SmartBoards, the entire school “attends” Mass on Friday right from their classrooms while one grade comes to Mass in-person to assist with the readings.

St. Bridget School is also blessed with an amazing School Board made up of current parents, community leaders, parishioners, and YES alumni! The School Board is very active in working with Dr. Testa and myself to ensure that the school has the tools and resources necessary to fulfill its mission!

St. Bridget School stands in the long tradition the Catholic Church has in educating our young people to a higher degree of success. St. Bridget School is one of the highest scoring schools within the Archdiocese of Hartford in standardized tests. Catholic schools, and it is true for our parish school, establish a spirit of faith, family, and community in their students. The education our students receive at St. Bridget School stays with them their entire lives and can be the basis from which they orient themselves with the world. It also encourages them to remain grounded in the Catholic faith while they reach to fulfill their dreams. Our students enter our school to learn, and leave to serve as disciples of Jesus.

Catholic schools expect and guide their students to become successful citizens by encouraging them to develop their God given potential and use the talents God has blessed them with to further the building of their character. From this strong foundation, we build our students’ character, their understanding of the world around them, and a strong sense of faith while we model for them how to see the needs of the less fortunate and motivate them to respond to those needs.

We are charged with exceeding national standards and so continue to implement curriculum that provides a challenging course, grounded in basic skills necessary for students to develop foundational skills that lead to higher, more complex thinking skills, rooted in Gospel values, and integrating Catholic social teaching across all disciplines, ensuring the development of the whole child. Students graduating from St. Bridget School exceed state and national benchmarks, evidenced by our exemplary standardized test scores and high performance on high school placement exams. Most importantly, we truly educate the whole child: academically, socially, and spiritually.

What will you find in St. Bridget School for your child or children?

· Faith Based Learning with a Real World Approach

· Spanish Language from PreK3 to Grade 8

· Advanced Studies and Curriculum Resources

· Smart Boards, 1 to 1 Chromebooks in the Middle School, iPads and other technology in all other grades

· Athletic Fields and a Gymnasium

· Sports Programs including Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Cross-Country, Cheerleading, and Soccer

· Air-Conditioning throughout our facility

· Extra-curricular activities such as Robotics Club, LEGO Club, & more

· A Diverse Student Body

· Small Class Sizes with Differentiated Learning at ALL Grade Levels

· Enrichment Programs and Family Events

· Tuition Assistance

· Weekly Mass as a school family and Adoration

I want every family in our parish, with children of school age children, to feel that St. Bridget School is an option for them. Join us for our Virtual Open House beginning NEXT SUNDAY at and see for yourself what our parish school can offer to your child(ren).

As always, please remember to pray for our parish family and ask God’s blessings as we build His kingdom here. Please know that I am praying for you, and I ask for your prayers for me, that together through the intercession of Saint Bridget of Sweden, our Patroness, and Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, and united in the Eucharist, we will reflect the presence of Jesus to the world. Have a blessed week and stay safe!!!

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Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish is a Catholic community in the heart of Cheshire. Together we can discover your path to a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual life.

Weekday Masses (Saint Bridget Church):
7AM Monday-Friday

9AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Saturday Masses:

9AM - Saint Bridget Church

4PM (Vigil) - Saint  Bridget Church

Sunday Masses (Saint Bridget Church):




4PM (9/24/22-5/26/23)

Confession (Saint. Bridget Church):

Saturdays - 3PM until heard




Parish Office

175 Main Street

Cheshire, CT 06410

North Campus

Saint Bridget Church

175 Main Street 

Cheshire, CT 06410

South Campus

St. Thomas Becket Church

435 North Brooksvale Road

Cheshire, CT 06410

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